Jersey Barrier
Jersey Barrier
Tennis Wall
Tennis Wall
Blocked Stairs
Blocked Stairs
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area I
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area I
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area II
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area II
Concrete Pool
Concrete Pool


A series of halftone screenprints of skatespots that I have encountered during the time when DIY concrete skatespots and concrete pool skating started to evolve in my area. The ground, the transitions, the interconnections, the environment - rough.


Eine Serie von Halbton Siebdrucken von Skatespots, die ich entdeckte als betonierte DIY Spots und Beton-Pool Skating in meiner Gegend begann. Der Untergrund, die Transitions, die Verbindungen, die Umgebung - grob.