Jersey Barrier
Jersey Barrier
Tennis Wall
Tennis Wall
Blocked Stairs
Blocked Stairs
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area I
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area I
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area II
DIY Spot at Abandoned Industrial Area II
Concrete Pool
Concrete Pool


Eine Serie von Halbton Siebdrucken von Skatespots, die ich entdeckte als betonierte DIY Spots und Beton-Pool Skating in meiner Gegend begann. Der Untergrund, die Transitions, die Verbindungen, die Umgebung - grob.


A series of halftone screenprints of skatespots that I have encountered during the time when DIY concrete skatespots and concrete pool skating started to evolve in my area. The ground, the transitions, the interconnections, the environment - rough.